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ADR 004: DID


  • 2021-09-23: Added security and privacy considerations
  • 2021-08-02: Initial draft




Decentralized identifiers (DIDs) are a type of identifier that enables verifiable, decentralized digital identity. A DID refers to any subject (for example, a person, organization, thing, data model, abstract entity, and so on) as determined by the controller of the DID.

This document specifies the DID method for a Cosmos SDK-based implementation of the W3C recommendation, its properties, operations, and an explanation of the process to resolve DIDs to the resources that they represent.


The aim of the Cosmos Cash project is to provide a state-of-the-art platform for the hosting of collateralized stable coins that is compliant with:

  • EU regulations such as General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Markets in Crypto-Assets (MiCA)
  • International recommendations such as the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) "Travel Rule"
  • Local anti-money laundering (AML) regulations

The Cosmos Cash platform is based on the following principles:

  • Open financial infrastructure is a public good
  • Money laundering prevention also benefits society
  • Users benefit from a strict privacy-respecting approach (GDPR)

The self-sovereign identity (SSI) approach to tackling the identity and privacy challenge has been gaining momentum in recent years. Coupled with distributed ledger technology (DLT) technology, the SSI approach has been capturing the attention of both the private and public sectors.

The SSI approach relies on two building blocks: decentralized identifiers (DID) and verifiable credentials (VC). This architecture decision record (ADR) describes the DID implementation in a Cosmos SDK-based blockchain.

The goal of this ADR is to define a foundation for the necessary components to realize the Cosmos Cash objectives while ensuring the implementation of the DID is fully compliant with the W3C specifications. Successive iterations will address API ergonomics and standard compatibility issues.


The Cosmos Cash implementation for DIDs will follow the DID W3C core recommendations with the goal of maximizing compatibility with 3rd party tools and projects.

DID Method Name

The namestring that shall identify the Cosmos Cash DID method is: cosmos.

A DID that uses the Cosmos Cash method MUST begin with the following prefix: did:cosmos. Per the W3C DID specification, this prefix string MUST be in lowercase. The remainder of the DID, after the prefix, is as follows:

Method Specific Identifier

The namespace specific identifier is defined by the following ABNF:

cosmos-did                = "did:cosmos:" identifier-type
identifier-type           = cosmos-key / cosmos-network
cosmos-key                = "key:" 1*255id-char "1" 20*255HEXDIG 
cosmos-network            = "net:" 1*255id-char ":" unique-identifier
unique-identifier         = 38*255id-char
id-char                   = ALPHA / DIGIT / (ALPHA "-") / (DIGIT "-")

For the unique-identifier it is RECOMMENDED to use a UUID.

The identifier-type distinguishes between two DID types:

  1. The key type, inspired from the did:key method
  2. The net type that identifies the DID and the originating network of the DID

DIDs of key type are ephemeral and immutable. DIDs of key type are always generated from the Cosmos blockchain address they refer to. For example, see these DIDs of key type:

  • did:cosmos:key:cash1ts9ejqg7k4ht2sm53hycty875362yqxqmt9grj
  • did:cosmos:key:cosmos1lvl2s8x4pta5f96appxrwn3mypsvumukvk7ck2

DIDs of net type are persistent and mutable. DIDs of net type are stored in the node database and can be created and updated according to rules described in the DID Operations section. For example, see these DIDs of net type:

  • did:cosmos:net:cash:806e557e-ecdb-4e80-ab0d-a82ad35c9ceb
  • did:cosmos:net:cosmoshub:1cc7813c-bb31-4999-a768-19424e6c10fa
DID Operations

DID and associated DID documents are managed by a Cosmos SDK module that uses the gRPC communication protocol. See Method operations for details on how the create, read, update and delete (CRUD) operations are handed in a Cosmos DID.


To create and publish a DID document use the message

MsgCreateDidDocument(id string, signerPubKey string)

The message parameters are the DID to be created and the signerPubKey. The signerPubKey MUST be the public key of the account that signs the transaction. The public key MUST be used to attach a verification method of type EcdsaSecp256k1VerificationKey2019 with the value of publicKeyMultibase that contains the public key encoded according to the Multibase Data Format Hexadecimal upper-case encoding.

The verification method controller MUST be one of the following:

  • The DID of the document
  • The DID of key type of the address that signs the transaction

The verification method id SHOULD be generated as:


The verification method id MUST be listed in the authentication relationships.

If the input DID is not a valid DID for the Cosmos method, or if the DID already exists on-chain, the message returns an error.

Contextually with the creation of a DID document, a DID document metadata MUST be created with the following values:

  • The hash of the transaction as versionId
  • The block time for the created and updated fields
  • The deactivated field is false

To address privacy concerns:

  • Use an id that is different from the blockchain account address
  • Isolate the verification methods to the DID subject (for example, during key rotation)

Note: A more fine-grained DID creation method can be implemented with the goal of saving in gas by executing a single transaction in a complex DID scenario.

Resolve and Verify

The integrity of the DID documents stored on the ledger is guaranteed by the underlying blockchain protocol.

A DID can be resolved using the gRPC message:

QueryDidDocumentRequest(did string)

This example shows a DID document that was resolved using the gRPC interface:

  "didDocument": {
    "context": [
    "id": "did:cosmos:net:cosmoscash-testnet:900d82bc-2bfe-45a7-ab22-a8d11773568e",
    "controller": [
    "verificationMethod": [
        "controller": "did:cosmos:net:cosmoscash-testnet:900d82bc-2bfe-45a7-ab22-a8d11773568e",
        "id": "did:cosmos:net:cosmoscash-testnet:900d82bc-2bfe-45a7-ab22-a8d11773568e#cosmos1x5hrv0hngmg8gls5cft7nphqs83njj25pwxpt0",
        "publicKeyMultibase": "0248a5178d7a90ec187b3c3d533a4385db905f6fcdaac5026859ca5ef7b0b1c3b5",
        "type": "EcdsaSecp256k1VerificationKey2019"
    "authentication": [
  "didMetadata": {
    "versionId": "9f7c547dc852af60c9da1fd514e1497d407b6a3d8ae3e52b626d536519dc8f4c",
    "created": "2021-08-23T08:24:26.972761898Z",
    "updated": "2021-08-24T15:54:40.902858856Z",
    "deactivated": false

The DID can also be resolved by a REST endpoint. The REST endpoint MUST be compatible with the W3C DID core recommendations and pass the DID Core Specification Test Suite:


This example shows a DID document that was resolved using a REST endpoint:


There are two ways of updating a DID document:

  • Manage DID controllers
  • Manipulate verification methods and relationships

In both cases, the target DID must exist on-chain and the signerAccount must exist as a verification method in a verification relationship of type authentication or it's key DID be listed as a DID controller. Additionally the DID document MUST NOT be in a deactivated status.

Each update operation MUST update the versionId and the updated field of the associated DID document metadata with the transaction hash and the block time respectively.

Manage DID Controllers

Set the DID controllers using the gRPC message:

MsgUpdateDidDocument(did string, controllers []string, signerAccount string)

The parameters are as follows:

  • did identifies the DID document
  • controllers are a list of Cosmos addresses that will replace the DID document controllers list
  • signerAccount is the account address that signs the transaction

Controllers will be added using the did:cosmos:key: method type. A controller of a DID document MUST be a DID of type key.

Manipulate Verification Methods and Relationships

Add a new verification method using the gRPC message:

MsgAddVerification(did string, accountId string, relationships []string, signerAccount string)

The parameters are as follows:

  • did identifies the did document
  • accountId is the account to be added to the verification method
  • relationships is the list of relationships that the accountId will be registered into
  • signerAccount is the account address that is signing the transaction

The list of relationships must contain only valid verification relationships names as defined in the DID document and MUST be non-empty:

Set the relationships of a verification method using the gRPC message:

MsgSetVerificationRelationships(did string, accountId string, relationships []string, signerAccount string)


A service MUST be an entity with the following properties:

  • id: a valid RFC3986 URI string.
  • type: a non empty string.
  • serviceEndpoint: a valid RFC3986 URI string.

A service can be added using the gRPC method:

MsgAddService(did string, service_data Service, signerAccount string)

The id of a service MUST be unique within the DID document.

A service can be deleted using the gRPC message:

MsgDeleteService(did string, service_id string, signerAccount string)

A DID can be deactivated using the gRPC message:

MsgDeactivateDid(did string, signerAccount string)

The operation MUST update the DID document metadata and set the deactivated value to true. The operation is not reversible.

Method-Specific Properties

DID Core Verification Material

The Verification Material type MUST support:

  • Type EcdsaSecp256k1VerificationKey2019 with pubKeyMultibase to encode a Cosmos account public key in hexadecimal format
  • Type CosmosAccountAddress with blockchainAccountID to represent a Cosmos account

Support for other verification materials can be added.

Verification Relationships

The DID document MUST support the following verification relationships:

DID Document Metadata

The implementation for DID document metadata MUST report the following properties for a DID document:

  • created: a datetime string of the creation date that is the UTC date associated with the block height when the DID document was submitted the first time
  • updated: a datetime string of the last update date that is the UTC date associated with the block height when the DID document was submitted the last time
  • deactivated: a boolean field that indicates if the DID document is deactivated
  • versionId: a hex-encoded BLAKE2b hash of the transaction that created or updated the DID

DID Resolution Metadata

The DID Resolution Metadata is outside the scope of the gRPC interface and is not covered in this ADR.

DID URL Syntax

The DID URL Syntax is outside the scope of the gRPC interface and is not covered in this ADR.

DID Query Parameters

The DID Query parameters URL is outside the scope of the gRPC interface and is not covered in this ADR.

Privacy Considerations

When any data (for example, W3C Verifiable Credentials) is associated with Cosmos DIDs, sharing that data would also impose sharing the on-chain data graph (for example, transaction history) of the blockchain account that controls the DID.

Using personally identifiable information as DID Method-specific identifiers (for example, account name alice) discloses personal information every time the DID is shared with a counterparty. This specification DOES NOT endorse the use of identifiers that correlates to human beings or other sensible subjects.

Security Considerations

Ephemeral DIDs (did:cosmos:key type) are generated based on a blockchain address. If access to the authoritative keys for an account are lost, the control of the DID and verifiable data issued by the DID is lost as well.


The Cosmos ecosystem WILL HAVE a DID module that is compatible with the W3C standard and offers a high chance of compatibility with third-party components such as cloud and edge agents, resolvers, and so on.

Backwards Compatibility

This is a new module so backward compatibility is not a concern.


  • The implementation of the ADR provides the foundation for interoperability with the DID standard and the SSI identity approach.
  • Closely following the W3C standard gives the best chances of successful interoperability with third-party components.


  • The implementation rigidly follows the W3C specification which leaves little room for extensibility. This approach might become an issue for wider adoption.



Further Discussions

While an ADR is in the DRAFT or PROPOSED stage, this section contains a summary of issues to be solved in future iterations. The issues summarized here can reference comments from a pull request discussion. Later, this section can optionally list ideas or improvements the author or reviewers found during the analysis of this ADR.

  • The did:key method specifies a key format that is different from the one used in this ADR. This ADR needs to be amended or follow a different approach.
  • The approach proposed is somewhat locked into the current implementation and will have to be revised in successive iterations.

Test Cases [optional]

